Academic & Career Development

Internship opportunities

Internships / Part-time and Job Opportunities in Hong Kong and Mainland
Student Development Office is dedicated to provide different kinds of job opportunities for students to enhance employability. Click here for details of job vacancies. 
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Further Studies & Articulation

Progression Paths

Graduate of Diploma of Applied Education and Diploma Programmes
Graduate of Diploma of Applied Education and Diploma Programmes can articulate to Sub-degree Programme (i.e. Higher Diploma and Associate Degree Programmes) offered by institutions of Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education. If you are considering to pursue furter study in our Institute, you can visit our website for information. 
Graduate of Higher Diploma and Associate Degree Programmes
Graduate of Associate Degree and Higher Diploma Programmes may apply for admission to Degree Programmes or Top-up Degree Programmes offered by local universities via the Non-JUPAS Admissions Scheme or overseas universities. 

Employment preparation

The difficulties graduates encounter when choosing jobs

  • They do not understand their own interest, or which job is suitable for them
  • They do not know how to enter the industry although they confirm their direction
  • They cannot adapt because of different reasons after they got the job

Therefore, we suggest that student should prepare themselves well when they are studying. As we spend almost half of our life for working, we can build up our own future if we could prepare earlier.

Three steps of employment preparation

  1. Understanding yourself:
    Use different psychological tests to help students understand their implicit personalities, potential and interests systematically. We hope that students can plan and develop their own career. Apart from joining different Personality Dimensions(PD) and MBTI workshops, students can also seek advice through individual meetings with counsellor to plan their own career.
  2. Career exploration and market understanding:
    • Understand training requirement, qualifications, nature of work, conditions of employment, working hours and the environment of the industry.
    • Understand and pay attention to the potential of long-term development and direction of the industry
  3. To find an ideal job, recognizing your own direction and understanding the needs of the market are essential to assess the opportunity to start the career. Students can also:In order to provide different opportunities for students to explore and understand the requirements, market conditions and development of the industry, SDO regularly organizes seminars, visits and recruitment activities of different industries.
  4. Equipping yourself:
    After understanding your own direction and market requirements, we recommend that students should obtain the skills in advance which are necessary for the job when they are studying, in order to increase employment opportunities. SDO provides employment skills workshops and internship opportunities for students regularly to enrich students' experience.